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Tooth-Smart Snacking

Posted on 4/11/2022 by Gwinnett Dental Implant & Periodontal Center
Tooth-Smart SnackingYour teeth are integral for having a bright and beautiful smile. it is therefore important for you to take great care in ensuring that they remain in pristine condition. Unhealthy foods are a common cause of dental problems like tooth decay and cavities. Sugary and starchy foods accelerate the rate at which the condition of your teeth deteriorates. Our dentists always advise patients to limit the intake of these foods and instead focus on snacking on healthy food items. We take great pride in providing comprehensive care which includes educating you on the best oral habits.

Foods Rich In Protein

Foods rich in protein but low in carbohydrates are excellent if you want to protect your teeth. Consider packing a snack dish full of part-skim cheese and nuts. These are not only great for avoiding dental problems but also help in building strong healthy teeth.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are great for maintaining healthy and strong teeth. Even though they may contain some bit of sugar, the nutrients, and vitamins that you obtain from vegetables and fruits are important for your healthy gums.

Consider going for crunchy and harder foods such as carrots, celery, and apples. These crunchy foods rub against your teeth, which can be good to remove dental plaque that may have accumulated. It can be an almost supplemental brushing technique.

Always Drink Plenty of Water

If for some reason you find yourself eating sugary or starchy foods, ensure that you take a lot of water to wash away the sugars. Starchy foods are sticky and can get stuck on your teeth. Water will be vital in removing the stuck food particles.

Come to our dental practice if you want to maintain perfect oral health. We have some of the best dentists who can guarantee you optimal dental care for healthy teeth.

Gwinnett Dental Implant & Periodontal Center

Dr. Melody J. Schiffer
Dr. Gary Greenwald
Dr. Andrew Kurialacherry
Dr. Nisha Kancherla

(470) 222-8983

320 Killian Hill Road NW
Lilburn, GA 30047-3809

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Gwinnett Dental Implant & Periodontal Center, 320 Killian Hill Road NW, Lilburn, GA 30047 • (470) 222-8983 • • 2/13/2025 • Tags: dental implants Lilburn •