Posted on 1/24/2022 by Gwinnett Dental Implant & Periodontal Center
Deciduous teeth are baby teeth or the first teeth that a baby develops. The deciduous teeth begin developing when the baby is about six months. The process of developing deciduous teeth is known as teething and this process can be uncomfortable for babies. The dentist will teach you what to expect during the young teething stage. Visit our dentist regularly to get more information and learn how to take care of the oral health of your baby and what to expect when the deciduous teeth are developing and when they leave.
When will permanent teeth come in
The baby teeth are come out and a set of 32 permanent teeth develops as the baby grows, the permanent teeth are known as adult teeth and they come in from the age of 12 all through to adulthood. The deciduous teeth are lost from about age six and this process can go on until the kid is about 12 years when they lose the second molar. During adulthood all the deciduous teeth will have come out leaving the baby with permanent adult teeth.
Difference of deciduous and adult teeth
The deciduous teeth have a thinner enamel, which is outer space protecting teeth from decay. The color of deciduous teeth is whiter since they got a thinner enamel. The baby teeth are also smaller than the adult teeth. The deciduous teeth have to fall out and so they have shorter and thinner roots. The deciduous teeth have a bump and they wear off quickly as compared to the permanent teeth.
Visit the dentist regularly to know when to expect a fall out of deciduous teeth for your baby. The dentist will guide you on how to maintain the oral hygiene of the baby's teeth
Gwinnett Dental Implant & Periodontal Center
Dr. Melody J. Schiffer Dr. Gary Greenwald Dr. Andrew Kurialacherry Dr. Nisha Kancherla